Category: Respect

The anti-CEO playbook

Menschen schaffen Wert. Nicht Spreadsheets. Hamdi Ulukaya ist ein türkischstämmiger Unternehmer und Slow Food Pionier. Er gründete in den USA “Chobani“, eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Food-Unternehmen der letzten 10 Jahre – und zwar “aus dem NICHTS”. Im TED Talk im Mai 2019 erzählt Hamdi…

Rules for Being Human

… according to Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott, “If Life is a Game, these are The Rules“.… and that we should consider when we lead others and ourselves. Seen on swiss-miss.comPhoto by Shaurya Pandya on Unsplash

Carles Puyol: inspired leadership in practice

Carles Puyol was one of the best and most well known Spanish football players ever. His glory wasn’t solely based on his great playing skills but merely on his personality and extraordinary fairplay qualities. Some examples: It was Puyol who asekd his colleague Abidal to…